full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Juan Enriquez: The next species of human

Unscramble the Blue Letters

And the same thing is happening in eyes. This is a group in geanrmy that's beginning to engineer eyes so that people who are blind can begin to see lghit and dark. Very primitive. And then they'll be able to see shape. And then they'll be able to see color, and then they'll be able to see in dfiotneiin, and one day, they'll see as well as you and I can. And a couple of years after that, they'll be able to see in ultraviolet, they'll be able to see in infrared, they'll be able to focus their eyes, they'll be able to come into a microfocus. They'll do stuff you and I can't do. All of these things are coming together, and it's a particularly important thing to understand, as we wrroy about the flmeas of the present, to keep an eye on the future.

Open Cloze

And the same thing is happening in eyes. This is a group in _______ that's beginning to engineer eyes so that people who are blind can begin to see _____ and dark. Very primitive. And then they'll be able to see shape. And then they'll be able to see color, and then they'll be able to see in __________, and one day, they'll see as well as you and I can. And a couple of years after that, they'll be able to see in ultraviolet, they'll be able to see in infrared, they'll be able to focus their eyes, they'll be able to come into a microfocus. They'll do stuff you and I can't do. All of these things are coming together, and it's a particularly important thing to understand, as we _____ about the ______ of the present, to keep an eye on the future.


  1. light
  2. definition
  3. worry
  4. flames
  5. germany

Original Text

And the same thing is happening in eyes. This is a group in Germany that's beginning to engineer eyes so that people who are blind can begin to see light and dark. Very primitive. And then they'll be able to see shape. And then they'll be able to see color, and then they'll be able to see in definition, and one day, they'll see as well as you and I can. And a couple of years after that, they'll be able to see in ultraviolet, they'll be able to see in infrared, they'll be able to focus their eyes, they'll be able to come into a microfocus. They'll do stuff you and I can't do. All of these things are coming together, and it's a particularly important thing to understand, as we worry about the flames of the present, to keep an eye on the future.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
billion years 5
mandatory spending 3
stem cells 3
turing test 3
great big 2
ultimate reboot 2
short term 2
start thinking 2
financial crisis 2
red wine 2
mice molars 2
petri dishes 2
physical turing 2
natural state 2
homo evolutis 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
physical turing test 2

Important Words

  1. beginning
  2. blind
  3. color
  4. coming
  5. couple
  6. dark
  7. day
  8. definition
  9. engineer
  10. eye
  11. eyes
  12. flames
  13. focus
  14. future
  15. germany
  16. group
  17. happening
  18. important
  19. infrared
  20. light
  21. microfocus
  22. people
  23. present
  24. primitive
  25. shape
  26. stuff
  27. ultraviolet
  28. understand
  29. worry
  30. years